Maia Marinelli‘s Global Orgasm Project is a multimedia performance where the world is challenged to bring a woman to orgasm. The project uses a combination of sex toys, mobile technology,social networking, and an audience of potentially millions to evoke sexual climax in the female performer. Streamed on live-video, harnessed in variety of remotely controlled sex toys, she challenges the world to witness and give her an orgasm. Ultimately, the result will be determined by the number of participants, how well participants can work together, and with what accuracy they can control the toys attached to the performer’s body. The interactions among participants will be serendipitous and as much a part of the performance as her ultimate response.
Performing a long-distance global sexual act abstracts the body and technology equally, uncoupling action with the consequence of that action. This gap builds tension and desire between the person who is demanding satisfaction and the one trying to succeed in giving that satisfaction, becoming the burning fuel of the event. Here the performer’s body is the catalyst of a shareddesire, while the social interactions among participants is the vehicle of a sublime global experience. To succeed, the network of participants will have to coordinate inputs among themselves.