Drowings & Watercolors !?!?

After years of self-inflicted torture with challenging and complex installation. After years making fun of my self saying “can i just do watercolors instead” , it happened. I made water colors !
Of course not the  the tiny pretty kind but a more something like  2 meter long with intimate subjects. 

The work came mostly our of frustration after putting a forced hold on WPG production due to plotter malfunction. Somewhere in between learning how to fix a plotter, a brake up it and the meticulous calculations on the Wind Playground structure my brain rebelled. Instead of tracing the WPG patterns my hand  began to draw.

I started by drawing hands. They touched, then I could see the rest of the body unfold in front om my eye in to passionate and nervous lines. The hands became bodies; intimate beautiful bodies. Then
i felt the energy which became colors so I kept drawing.

 I don’t  consider my self a painter and  I haven’t paint in year, yet these lines and these colors overtook my senses and I had to keep drawing.

I now have 5 of this drawings. In all honesty I look forward for my residency in Australia to further explore this line of work .
For now I like to consider this a sketching in process.

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