Wind Plyground beeing assembeled

This is a picture of panel E3 fully assembled and stitched.
The first of a long list, but still satisfying.

Looking at this panel I can’t help thinking of what it took to get here.
I’m not talking only in term of organization, work ethic and technical knowledge. That is indeed part of an amazing growth that I’m still undertaking.
The most important thing of all however is I learn how to change, evolve under tension, bend under heavy storm and snap back.
As a result I might have way more gray hair than wished for, but I’m deeply thankful for all I have learned, and for all I will be learning by the time Wind Playground is installed at Sculpture by the Sea.

This project is both a hell of a challenge and an amazing adventure. Started on a vision, I jumped into it and since then, the adrenaline rush has yet to stop.
Today I picked up the phone to talk to a complete stranger about the WPG and ask for a sponsorship. A few months ago that same man would have found himself talking with a woman bound in a cocoon of tension and discomfort.
A year ago I would have never made that call.

For years I have been terrorized by the act of writing because of dyslexia. Now I write, constantly, and in another language. It’s not perfect, but I’m not afraid any more.

2 weeks ago while solving the overwhelming task of designing an assembling system for Wind Playground, I found my self-writing equations. It came to me like as a full 3-dimational living system and I wrote equations for hours.
I haven’t touched algebra since I was 19 YO!
I know it sounds crazy, but it works!

This experience I has taught me courage, trained my intuition and how to follow it . I faced my shortcomings and learn how to turn it in opportunities… Still learning actually.

If every thing would have gone as planed I would have learn nothing.
I would have explored nothing. I would have challenge nothing.
I would be still roaming in a safe meadow, completely unaware of the potentials surrounding me.

All of this was possible because of all of you.
I want to thank all the people , organizations, foundations and companies that have supported Wind Playground and that will support it in the future.
Some of you have supported financially, some of you donated equipment, material and expertise.
Without you this incredible adventure would not be possible and Wind Playground would still be an escaping vision.

Thank you immensely.


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