Design Inspirations form the Wind Playground World

The most frustrated yet exiting thing about being a creative person is that you are assured your mind will never stop thinking. So when working on a project such Wind Playground that demands you attention for months and months on a 24 X 7 basis, it is extremely frustrating not be able to work on any thing new or with immediate results and drawing happens to be the solution. Thought I’m extremely comfortable with technology, paper and pencil are to today one of my favorite medium. Drawing has a direct communication line to a part of my brain were the seed of my creativity reside. A place that has the voice of a child, that is not concern about results, concepts , feasibly or history of art theory, but more about getting lost movements, music and ideas. That is my happy place.
Allowing these moments of diversions help me maintain sanity through my work alleviating my creative desire from the day to day task I had to perform to stay on schedule and make this thing happen. Diversion that often makes me feel guilty as it take away time from my “work”, yet diversion that if not satisfied results into me climbing the wall of my studio due to energy overflow.

Wen working with a new material, one develop a sensibility and understanding of that material. a level of confidence that naturally inspires forms, object and techniques inspired by that given material. This can result in new art works, into a number of design solution, into a dress, a way to decorate you house or build that bed frame you have been taking about for months so you can pick up the mattress off the floor. All valid ides that, as in my case , I haved no time to develop, so caught in this dilemma I call for help … pencil an paper please!

The inner voice in me ask for satisfaction. I voice can not betray not let it go. Also I Know that when one idea comes around it opens a door to a world of new ones. A gift not for me to discuss nor to dismiss so I draw

Allowing these moments of diversions help me maintain sanity through my work alleviating my creative desire from the day to day task I must perform to stay on schedule and make this thing happen. Diversion that often makes me feel guilty as it take away time from my “work”, yet diversion that if not satisfied results into me climbing the wall of my studio due to energy overflow.

Below are few sketches I was able to save form the madness of my studio.

I also made a wallet and a new computer bag for my self with the excuse of training my sawing skills on an industrial sawing machine 😛

394014_10151317864315039_1287568905_n Maia_Marinelli_computer_bag_01 Maia_Marinelli_computer_bag_02

The Wind home – This home moves with the wind… Just like a boat on a mooring.
This come up after a fun conversation with Barry Spanier.

windhome _0001

The the one non familiar to how windsurf sails look like here is a picture. I find esthetically pleasing and since they do brake this material can be reused to make furniture and home accessory.

Here are some sketches of furniture design made with recycled wind surf sails and windsurf carbon masts.

This is a full bedroom set incuded of carbon mast bad frame, Carbon mast and recycled sails headboard and night stand, cylindrical sailcloth light with pulley system to adjust height and curtain.

Here is another headboard plus a loveseat.Maia_Marinelli_sedia And a night stand that can also work as a stoolMaia_Marinelli_scanetto

Here is some quick sketching for rain and windbreak jackets
made of recycled Kite sail sloth inspired also by spinnaker patterns

This is the sawing pattern of a Spinnaker:

This are some sketches for my new rain and windbreak jackets:


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