“Communication Design”

This project was concived as a urban intervention in collaboration with Zona Dynamic http://www.zonadynamic.com/

The project is poking fun at my former career in advertising as Interactive Communication Designer

The profession namely called “Communication Designer “ has grow as a necessity to develop user friendly interfaces to foster our growing need of communicating via digital technology.

As a Communication Designer my self I’m aware of how our communication protocols are mutating social behavior as they often function as a filter between us and our surrounding. Today we literally experiencing “reality” thought our digital devices often position between our eyes and the world before us.

With this urban intervention in collaboration with Zona Dinamyc I wanted to play with the concept of communication design using an “archaic” communication devise such to 2 cans connect by rope. This to crate telephone lines between different points within Tempelhof Park in Berlin to stimulate a state playfulness and communication among its visitor.

The installation is positioned in one of the former runway now protected as a bird sanctuary . here the visitor can secretly talk among each other wile watching bird taking off and go about their daily business.

The installation can be viewed at this exact location in Tempelhof Park.
Enjoy your surroundings and make friends … be nice with the bees

Tempelhofer Feld
Tempelhof, 12101 Berlin
52.472583, 13.416168












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